How is the score calculated?

To determine whether an idea is "Muck" or "Brass," we consider three key factors:

1). Is the search volume increasing? It’s advantageous to be in a growing market.
2). Is there significant competition? While competition can validate an idea, too much of it can make it difficult to stand out.
3). Are enough people searching for the relevant keywords? If search volume is too low, building a business around the idea may be challenging.

Of course, startups aren’t an exact science—very little people were searching for "couch surfing" when Airbnb first launched.

Trending searches

food quality assessment
Search Volume10 / month
Competition (SEO)0 / 100
Competition (paid)11 / 100
Cost per click$0.00

Search Volume

Last 5 years


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AI Food Critic addresses the critical challenge of obtaining constructive, unbiased feedback on culinary creations. Aspiring chefs often struggle with self-doubt and uncertainty about their skills, while experienced chefs seek to refine their techniques and innovate. With features like personalized flavor profile analysis, real-time ingredient pairings, and recipe optimization suggestions, chefs can confidently experiment, ensuring their dishes resonate with both their niche and broader audiences. Additionally, the software provides access to a diverse database of culinary trends and consumer preferences, enabling chefs to stay ahead of market demands. The interactive critique option offers instant, AI-generated reviews based on targeted criteria, helping users pinpoint areas for improvement and culinary excellence—all while eliminating the guesswork and anxiety that often accompany cooking in a competitive environment.
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